CE4RT (Circular Economy for Regenerative Tourism) was an EU co-funded project to directly support tourism SMEs transitioning to a circular and regenerative tourism business model thus enabling the future resilience of this sector.
This collaborative project supported a network of tourism SMEs across five partner European countries (Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Poland and The Netherlands) in the areas of Sustainable Practice, the Circular Economy and Regenerative Tourism.
The project ran from January 2023 until January 2025 with an overall budget of 1.17 million Euro funded through the European Innovation Council and SME’s Executive Agency (EISMEA) Union Single Market Programme – COSME-2021-TOURSME.
The CE4RT programme funded 80 selected tourism SMEs from the 5 partner countries to complete the following activities:
- Training in sustainable and regenerative tourism
- One-to one coaching – To develop a sustainability action/implementation plan
- Certification – Option to pursue sustainability certification
- Networking – Participate with like-minded tourism SMEs to share learning and the sustainability journey
MaryRose Stafford explaining what is CE4RT project all about